About Vincent Pickering Service Designer
During my career I have been incredibly fortunate to work on a diverse range of products and services :
- Enterprise healthcare applications
- Government Services
- Worldwide marketing campaigns
- Virtual reality
- Sites for major brands and start-ups.
- Medical systems, doctors systems and UK wide medical systems applications.
- A global social media platform
- Computer games
I love a challenge or complex problems to solve. Tailoring solutions specifically to your business needs and skill levels. An expert at breaking down complex problems, explaining them in simple language. I can help you get to the root of a problem and communicate with all parts of your business what is happening.
A small sample of clients I’ve worked with:
- Numiko
- Infinity Works
- UK Government
- Capita
- EE
- Emis
- Nokia
- Microsoft
- General Motors
- Channel 5
- Sony
- giffgaff
In my spare time I have contributed to open source projects including Mozlla Nunjucks and GOV UK.
This site uses Eleventy and GitHub, where the code for this site is open source and available.
The site is hosted on Netlify and follows the principles of the IndieWeb