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A picture of the site author Vincent Pickering

Vincent Pickering(he/him) is a Design Lead at the ACC living in Wellington, New Zealand

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A feed of my life

Swapped my webmention microservice back to a web hook instead of polling and it feels much nicer. I looked in to Websub but it just seemed like overkill. I will trial this for a while and see how it goes.

Pet #UI peeve When a destructive action like “delete” is placed next to a frequently performed action like “save”.

Please keep destructive actions in a place that show a definitive want to perform. People make mistakes or may have fine motor skills issues.

Keep it accessible

It has taken longer than I first thought. But I can see the end in sight for the re-architecturing phase in my #indieweb redesign. I landed on a microservices approach and so far it feels much nicer to work with and maintain. Just the syndication service to go!